Kimchi 김치


Pronounced: kim-chee

Characteristics: spicy and sour with a pungent fragrance after fermentation

Made with: brined nappa cabbage, daikon radish, ginger, garlic, spices, seafood paste

Commonly used in: stews and rice dishes


Kimchi is not just an ingredient, but I wanted to include it in the library since some still have confusion on this beloved side dish. One of the reasons for it's popularity is the health factor. Kimchi is rich in nutrients, like Vitamin C and fiber, and aids in digestion while boosting immunity. The fermentation also makes healthy bacteria that are good for the body, like in yogurt and sauerkraut. Nappa cabbage kimchi is the most common, but there are actually hundreds of varieties. The "juice" that the kimchi ends up making while fermenting is also a great ingredient to flavor many dishes. 

For brownie points, pronounce it as one word instead of two separate words with a huge space in between. Kimchi, not “Kim Cheeee”.

If you're trying kimchi for the first time, you might want to find some that is freshly made. The pungent smell of fermented kimchi can be startling at first. Eat your first bite with some meat or rice. Remember it's a side dish. Although very delicious on it’s on, it’s meant to be eaten in harmony with other parts of the meal.

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